Thom—there was a huge mistake made when the decision was made to make abortion a political issue—going all the way back to Roe v. Wade. It never was and should never have been included in the political discourse, because ultimately it is a moral issue which involves the family, the individual and God. When the nanny state becomes involved in morality issues, you divide the country to no good purpose and polarize those who would normally see eye-to-eye. In retrospect, morality issues are better left for individuals and families to decide. I believe that the abortion issue is the single largest reason that Biden has been unable to lead and grow the Democratic Party. By the way, I love your books, programs, reporting and posts, and this is the only point of disagreement that I have with you. Thank you, Merry Christmas, and may God continue to bless you and your family.
Thom—there was a huge mistake made when the decision was made to make abortion a political issue—going all the way back to Roe v. Wade. It never was and should never have been included in the political discourse, because ultimately it is a moral issue which involves the family, the individual and God. When the nanny state becomes involved in morality issues, you divide the country to no good purpose and polarize those who would normally see eye-to-eye. In retrospect, morality issues are better left for individuals and families to decide. I believe that the abortion issue is the single largest reason that Biden has been unable to lead and grow the Democratic Party. By the way, I love your books, programs, reporting and posts, and this is the only point of disagreement that I have with you. Thank you, Merry Christmas, and may God continue to bless you and your family.